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TN Config and licensing - HAC documentation hub

TN Config and licensing

Configuration and Licensing

To begin configuration, click on Create/Destroy option on the side-menu (or the shortcut on the panel shown when first logging in). The Cluster Create page scans for clusterable nodes (those running RSF-1 that are not yet part of a cluster) and presents them for selection:

TN image 20

Now enter the cluster name and description, and then select the type of cluster being created (either shared-storage or shared-nothing).

If setting up a shared-nothing cluster an additional option to add a node manually is shown at the bottom of the page. This is because RSF-1 will detect nodes on the local network, but for shared-nothing clusters, the partner node could be on a separate network/location, and therefore may not automatically be detected[^1].

QS image 24

Trial Licenses

If any of the selected nodes have not been licensed, a panel is shown to obtain 45 day trial licenses: QS image 6

Next, the RSF-1 End User License Agreement (EULA) will be displayed. Click accept to proceed:

QS image 7

API Keys

As of version 1.11, RSF-1 requires API Keys to interact with TrueNAS to import/export pools. These can be created in the TrueNAS GUI.

TN image 14

As each key is created add it to the RSF-1 API keys field for each node.

Once created in TrueNAS add them in the API Keys section and click TEST API KEYS which will confirm the keys are valid

TN image 13

Finally click the Create Cluster button to initialize the cluster:

QS image 23