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TNS Config and licensing - HAC documentation hub

TNS Config and licensing

Configuration and Licensing

To begin configuration, click on Create/Destroy option on the side-menu (or the shortcut on the panel shown when first logging in). The Cluster Create page scans for clusterable nodes (those running RSF-1 that are not yet part of a cluster) and presents them for selection:

TN image 20

Now enter the cluster name and description, and then select the type of cluster being created (either shared-storage or shared-nothing).

If setting up a shared-nothing cluster an additional option to add a node manually is shown at the bottom of the page. This is because RSF-1 will detect nodes on the local network, but for shared-nothing clusters, the partner node could be on a separate network/location, and therefore may not automatically be detected[^1].

QS image 24

Trial Licenses

If any of the selected nodes have not been licensed, a panel is shown to obtain 45 day trial licenses: QS image 6

Next, the RSF-1 End User License Agreement (EULA) will be displayed. Click accept to proceed:

QS image 7

API Keys

As of version 1.11, RSF-1 requires API Keys to interact with TrueNAS to import/export pools. These can be created in the TrueNAS GUI.

TN image 21

As each key is created add it to the RSF-1 API keys field for the relevant node. Once both keys have been copied, click the TEST API KEYS button to verify the keys:

TN image 13

Finally click the Create Cluster button to initialize the cluster:

QS image 23