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Adding an NFS Share to Proxmox

These steps will show how to share a dataset snpool1/nfs via NFS to a Proxmox host.

Proxmox Image 1

  1. On Proxmox, Navigate to Datacenter -> Storage -> Add -> NFS:

    Proxmox Image 2

  2. Fill out the revelant information, using the service VIP as the Server address, and select the NFS Share from the Export Drop down list:

    Proxmox Image 3

  3. When finished click Add. The share is ready to use.

    Proxmox Image 4

Configuring ZFS over iSCSI

These steps show how to configure an RSF-1 Cluster to allow connection to Proxmox for ZFS over iSCSI storage.

In this example RSF-1 is installed on Debian Linux using LIO as the iSCSI backend, with a clustered pool debp1 that has the VIP

Setting up Cluster Nodes

  1. For Proxmox to be able to connect to the cluster, iSCSI target iqn and TPG needs to be created. This is done by running the command targetcli /iscsi create:

    # targetcli /iscsi create
    Created target
    Created TPG 1.
    Global pref auto_add_default_portal=true
    Created default portal listening on all IPs (, port 3260.

    You can view the created target and TPG by running targetcli ls:

    # targetcli ls
    o- / ............................................................................. [...]
      o- backstores .................................................................. [...]
      | o- block ...................................................... [Storage Objects: 0]
      | o- fileio ..................................................... [Storage Objects: 0]
      | o- pscsi ...................................................... [Storage Objects: 0]
      | o- ramdisk .................................................... [Storage Objects: 0]
      o- iscsi ................................................................ [Targets: 1]
      | o- .............. [TPGs: 1]
      |   o- tpg1 ................................................... [no-gen-acls, no-auth]
      |     o- acls .............................................................. [ACLs: 0]
      |     o- luns .............................................................. [LUNs: 0]
      |     o- portals ........................................................ [Portals: 1]
      |       o- ......................................................... [OK]
      o- loopback ............................................................. [Targets: 0]
      o- vhost ................................................................ [Targets: 0]
      o- xen-pvscsi ........................................................... [Targets: 0]

    The two created items needed by Proxmox are the target iqn and the TPG tpg1.

  2. To allow Proxmox to connect, authentication will need to be disabled for the target and group. This is can be done by running the command targetcli /iscsi/<target iqn>/tpg1/ set attribute authentication=0 demo_mode_write_protect=0 generate_node_acls=1 cache_dynamic_acls=1:

    root@mgdeb1:~# targetcli /iscsi/ set attribute authentication=0 demo_mode_write_protect=0 generate_node_acls=1 cache_dynamic_acls=1
    Parameter authentication is now '0'.
    Parameter demo_mode_write_protect is now '0'.
    Parameter generate_node_acls is now '1'.
    Parameter cache_dynamic_acls is now '1'.
  3. Proxmox requires an SSH key to to able to automatically connect to the VIP of the service. Proxmox provide the followinng commands to generate the key and test:

    mkdir /etc/pve/priv/zfs
    ssh-keygen -f /etc/pve/priv/zfs/
    ssh-copy-id -i /etc/pve/priv/zfs/ root@
    ssh -i /etc/pve/priv/zfs/ root@

    Host Key Identification Errors

    In the event of a node failure with a running service, the VIP is automatically moved to another node in the cluster. This will Cause Host Key Identification failures due to the underlying host of the VIP changing.

    This problem will need to be addressed as this will stop Proxmox being able to connect to the cluster via the VIP automactically. One solution for this is to copy the host key from one cluster node to another, so when the VIP is moved, the host key will be the same for all cluster nodes.

Configuring Proxmox

  1. To add the configured target to Proxmox, In the Proxmox GUI, Navigate to Datacenter -> Storage -> Add -> ZFS over iSCSI and fill in the appropriate fields with the relevant information:

    Proxmox Image 1

    When done click Add