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QS Download software

Download cluster software

If not already done so, download and install the RSF-1 cluster software onto each cluster node. More information can be found here.

Initial connection and user creation

Before starting

Please make sure that any firewalls in the cluster environment have the following ports open before attempting configuration:

- 1195 (TCP & UDP)
- 4330 (TCP)
- 4331 (TCP)
- 8330 (TCP)
If setting up a shared-nothing cluster, both nodes require ssh access to each other without a password. This is needed for the replication of the ZFS pool.

To connect to the RSF-1 GUI, direct your web browser to:


Next, create an admin user account for the GUI. Enter the information in the provided fields and click the Submit button when ready:

QS image 1

Once you click the Submit button, the admin user account will be created and you will be redirected to the login screen. Login with the username and password just created:

QS image 2

Once logged in the main dashboard page is displayed:

QS image 3